"John Sessions' Likely Stories"

"John Sessions' Likely Stories"

"John Sessions' Likely Stories"

"John Sessions' Likely Stories"

"John Sessions' Likely Stories"

"John Sessions' Likely Stories"

John Sessions Tall Tales

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John Sessions

For some time in the early Eighties, John Sessions had quietly been making a name for himself as an improviser and actor of some intellectual calibre, and in 1987, these skills coalesced in a one-man play about Napoleon that had a hit run in the West End. In 1988, he became a pivotal figure in the success of Channel 4’s “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?”, often finding that his technical skill at improvisation and his ferocious eclecticism were being deliberately contrasted to Paul Merton’s studied philistinism to great comic effect.

In 1991, after having done improvisation shows in various forms on the television, Pozzitive was commissioned by the then Controller of BBC Two, Alan Yentob, to create six half-hours of comic plays that had had their roots in improvisation but then honed by Sessions as the sole author. These were recorded at the Half Moon theatre in London in front of an audience and transmitted as “John Session’s Tall Tales”.

Some three years later, he had written six more plays which were duly recorded, albeit this time at BBC Television Centre, this time under the name “John Session’s Likely Stories”

All twelve shows were produced and directed by Geoff Posner.

John Sessions

John Session’s Tall Tales

Show 1

"Harold’s Night Out"

First Tx. 19/1/91 BBC Two 21.30-22.00 

Show 2

"The Glory And The Dream"

First Tx. 26/1/91 BBC Two 21.30-22.00

Show 3

"Don Juan In Cornwall"

First Tx. 2/2/91 BBC Two 21.30-22.00

Show 4

"Neighbours & Lovers"

First Tx. 9/2/91 BBC Two 21.30-22.00 

Show 5

"There’s Nowt So Queer As Folk"

First Tx. 16/2/91 BBC Two 21.30-22.00 

Show 6

"The Toy Shop"

First Tx. 23/2/91 BBC Two 21.30-22.00 

StarringJohn Sessions
Written byJohn Sessions
Produced & directed byGeoff Posner

John Session's Likely Stories

Show 1

"Honey I Shrunk My Ego"

First Tx. 8/5/94 BBC Two 21.00-21.30

Show 2

"Handsome Ted Has His Day"

First Tx. 15/5/94 BBC Two 21.00-21.30

Show 3

"Corinna Discovers The World"

First Tx. 22/5/94 BBC Two 21.00-21.30 

Show 4

"The End Of The Story"

First Tx. 29/5/94 BBC Two 21.00-21.30 

Show 5

"Robert And Jackie"

First Tx. 5/6/94 BBC Two 21.00-21.30 

Show 6

"Lord Of The Isles"

First Tx. 12/6/94 BBC Two 21.00-21.30 

StarringJohn Sessions
Written byJohn Sessions
Produced & directed byGeoff Posner

John Sessions

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