As well as Pozzitive's output, Geoff and David have been involved in many other shows, both in radio and television. From Not The Nine O'Clock News via Spitting Image to Little Britain, they have produced, directed and exec'd many of the most important and successful comedies of the last twenty years.

Absolutely "At Home With The Hardys"/"Unnatural Acts" back - Paul Bassett Davies, Caroline Leddy, front - Jeremy Hardy, Kit Hollerbach Steve Coogan's "The Man Who Thinks He's It" The cover of the first Mr Gum book - thanks (and copyright) to Egmont Publishing "Dead At Thirty" - from l to r Compton (Paterson Joseph), Nick (Jesse Birdsall), Tim (Mark Williams), Lou (Lou Curram) Original ticket for a "The Lenny Henry Show" recording at BBC Television Centre "The Imaginatively-Titled Punt & Dennis Show" - Steve Punt & Hugh Dennis "Acorn Antiques" - l to r Miss Berta (Victoria Wood), Clifford (Duncan Preston), Mrs.Overall (Julie Walters), Miss Babs (Celia Imrie)  "Paul Merton - The Series"  "The Young Ones" - clockwise Vyvyan (Ade Edmonson), Neil (Nigel Planer), Rick (Rik Mayall), Mike (Christopher Ryan)  "Radio Active" - l to r Geoffrey Perkins, Angus Deayton, Helen Atkinson-Wood, Michael Fenton-Stevens, Philip Pope  "The Big Fun Show" - l to r Neil Mullarkey, Josie Lawrence, Tony Hawks, Paul Merton, John Irwin, Julian Clary  "Little Britain Down Under" - Lou and Andy in Neighbours